Struggling for time.


March 10, 2008 by welshcyclist

Well as far as this blog goes, I am struggling for time, I’ve said it before, I just don’t know how all you other bloggers make the time to keep a regular post going. Though I keep telling myself I will make the time, I still fall by the wayside, so to speak. What makes things worse, from my point of view, is I’ve been off work for two weeks! Elizabeth will tell you that I’ve done very little around the house, though there’s stacks to do. The list is long, I’ve to turn the airing cupboard in Tierloch’s room into a wardrobe, the wood etc is all waiting to be sawn, and so on, my shed needs secondary glazing under the roof, to stop condensation, again all the materials needed are waiting to be used, then there’s the bathroom, our bedroom……

But the truth is I’d rather be using the time out on my bike, or out with Elizabeth walking along the seashore somewhere, then having lunch in a cafe. I can’t get motivated about DIY in the house, much to Elizabeth’s chagrin, but at 57 now, I really want to make the most of our time. My dad died at age 64, only had 2 years of retirement, I certainly don’t want the same to happen to me! Sadly the way pensions are, I’m not going to be able to retire early, so presumably I’ll be in work to 65, hopefully my bicycling exploits will keep me fit enough to enjoy a few active years, after that.

Consequently I really make an effort, each day, to ride my bike, these last 2 weeks has seen me only miss once. Not being in work, and this crazy shift pattern means it’s very doubtful I’ll be enthusiastic about returning to work, when I have to this Wednesday, so I haven’t been commuting, but going for a long rides early every morning. I’ve upped my normal mileage a good deal, for me this is a long ride, to between 22 and 28 miles, the latter is the longest ride I’ve ever done yet, that was yesterday. Which I really enjoyed, I wanted to keep going, but that would be selfish, I need to think of Elizabeth, but I keep finding other things for us to do, anything but the dreaded DIY! It’s all too obvious to Elizabeth, and we had words about it earlier today.

So shamefaced, I retreated to the bathroom, to clean up the tile grouting, it’s so annoying how mildew builds up, not that it’s surprising with four/five of us showering each day. I did a couple of hours penance working away in the bathroom, just had my lunch and I’m here at the computer, making this post, as I’ve said, anything to dodge the DIY!!

I’ve been looking at cycling holidays on the net, these last few days, and there’s loads I’d love to have a go at, but once again, it would be so selfish of me not to include Elizabeth. Our trip to Brighton worked fine, because I did my cycling before breakfast, and had the rest of the day to share with her, but…

The thing is, I want to have a go at some real mileage, not just a couple of hours worth, now I’ve hit on the idea of a cycle trip for charity, there seem to be plenty available, and well organised, hopefully I can find one of only a few days in length. Of course one has to raise sponsorship money, the longer the trip the more one has to raise. I’ve seen one from London to Paris, 2nd to 6th July this year, costs £99 to join and one has to raise £1100 for the charity of one’s choice. I like the sound of it, and there are places available, but I don’t think I’m too keen on going on my own? Who can I ask to do it with me? Of course they’d have to raise £1100 as well as pay £99.

Maybe I can find someone, there are a couple of lads at work who may well be interested, and the bonus with involving work means the company will match what we raise in sponsorship, which means that we’d each only have secure £550 each, sounds great, but it still has to raised.

Had a fantastic ride this morning, the weather took a change for the worse, last night, the forecasters have been warning for days, about a storm on route to our shores. Well it hit last night, I thought it was all over and done with, when I left this morning for my daily ride at 06.40, but as I headed down the valley, into a stiff breeze, I could see the rain and sleet, coming up towards me. The wind made the hills that much harder to climb, particularly my bete-noir, the steep stretch by the Rock and Fountain pub, I’ve always only just managed to make it to the top, in the past. However, these last couple of weeks, I’ve been getting up it much easier, on my Subway 8, halfway in 6th, and then the last, steepest section in 4th gear. Today, travelling into the increasing force of the wind, I had to drop into 4th alot sooner, and then down to 2nd, to eventually get to the top. I had to pedal in 2nd for awhile after, to catch my breath, I cut off my journey at Aberdulais, turning back for home, and I was grateful for the wind at my back as the clouds began to burst.

I stopped at an empty bus shelter, to put on my rainproof trousers and woolly hat, as the rain and sleet started to pour down, then I was quickly on my way, though somewhat slower than of late, as the wind seemed to change direction, toying with me. The wind was definitely the strongest I’ve been out in on my bike to date, it was forecast to be 46 mph, but I’ll have to check what speed it turned out to be. Overall I did 22 miles, and it took me 2 hours, including my stop to don my woolly hat and waterproof trousers, as well as a stop to take a picture of a waterfall, and a cup of coffee at McDonalds.

Now getting back to “struggling for time”, typing this on the computer has taken me, so far an hour and a half, I know my typing skills are abysmal, two fingers at best, but the effort, on top of actually cycling, let alone maintenance of the bike, then work etc., puts me in complete awe of all you other bloggers. How do you do it?

6 thoughts on “Struggling for time.

  1. Doug says:

    If you read my latest entry I admitted I almost quit the whole blogger thing. I, like you, am a slow writer and typer. Even a short entry can eat up 45 minutes of time. I’ve decided to blog less. My wife was getting upset I was spending so much time on the computer. So far it feels good to take back some of the time I was spending on blogs. My readers will just have to deal with less frequent entries. I also find that the more time I have to work on things at home, the less I get done.

  2. Svenny says:

    Hi Welshcyclist, Svenny here from the commute by bike posts. I read through your blogs (and RSS subsribed to them) I enjoyed reading them as it brings back a taste of Cymru for me.I read you are a train signaler.As kids we waited by the train crossing at St. Fagans with my Nan and Gramps to catch a glimpse of a train rushing past. Such simple times back then.

  3. welshcyclist says:

    Hey Svenny, thanks for dropping in on my blog. St. Fagans crossing is still there, how many years ago was it when you waited to cross with your nan and gramps? I too have seen times change so much from the simple times of childhood to the pressures of adulthood, but as you well know, it’s not just that, the pace of life has increased to an intensity which none of us needs. That’s where riding the bike comes in for me, it takes me back to those simpler times. I lived in Blarney, County Cork, Eire, for 5 years or so back in the 1980’s, and there I think I came closest to those simpler days of my early life, there the pace of life was definitely that vital half an hour slower. Even there now, sadly times have moved on for the poorer, and the pace of life is as mad as everywhere else. Sorry if I’m a bit down on this, I miss those simpler times alot.

  4. welshcyclist says:

    Thanks Doug for popping into my blog, I can see you’re time poor like me. I’m still reading and enjoying your blog on a regular basis, but I like you will only be publishing intermittantly.

  5. Svenny says:

    Hi welshcyclist, I was probably at St.Fagans with my nan about 30 years ago for that particular memory. We’ve visited Wales every 6-10 years since.Times are changing exponentially, and I agree part of cycling is staying with something simple, a sort of zen feeling, while the world rushes past.

  6. welshcyclist says:

    Thanks for coming back to me Svenny,30 years ago I was 27, married and working in Cardiff, I knew St. Fagans well. Back then we lived in Cadoxton an area of Barry, but I grew up on the Colcot estate there. At that stage I’d long given up my childhood bike, which we all made from bits and bobs, that we secured from the local scrapyards. Even back then, loads of seviceable bikes, that only needed some work, went to rot in the scrapyard. But I’m glad that we were able to scrounge the parts, that bike, I built, from those parts, with the help of my mate David Housely and his brother Brian, it must have been in 1958/59, was still working, though I hadn’t used it since 1972, and was still sat in my mum’s shed when she died in 1988. I don’t know what happened to it, presumably, it too went back to the scrapyard. I’d like to think that it’s parts went to making another steed, for some young boy in Barry,though I doubt it very much, those simple times we’ve both spoken about, were waning fast, even then

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